Extreme Kiss Workshop

Extreme Kiss Workshop

We facilitated Extreme Kissing; The Pleasures, Politics and Art of the Kiss, a four hour workshop, as part of the International Workshop Festival in London. Click Here to see the video of the workshop. Click Here to view the workshop hand-out.

The description read:

“Stephens and Sprinkle will lead this unique workshop exploring kissing as conversation, as political intervention, as altered state, as erotic meditation and as performance art. Bring a buddy to kiss for two hours straight--a friend, lover, or any willing collaborator. OR come solo and take a chance that you will find such a person at the workshop, or even out on King’s Road. (Clothing stays on.)

The first hour of the workshop will be in the Chelsea theater where you’ll receive instruction, and we’ll set intentions. Then Stephens, Sprinkle, and all participants will emerge onto the Kings Road for a two-hour-long public Kiss-in. The last hour will be back at the theater for feedback and closing. This can make you feel highly euphoric, so don't plan to drive right after the kiss. Noon until 4:00 PM.”

Thirty people attended. Mostly these were couples, however ten people came solo and luckily they were easy to pair up. We had eight monitors to keep on eye on things. After ten minutes of extreme kissing outside in a Kings Road plaza, several neighborhood mothers with children in their arms and angry husbands backing them up, found our extreme kissing offensive and raised hell. It was only kissing! However the Chelsea theater folks wanted to maintain good relations with their neighbors so we unanimously decided to move the kissing inside. A perfect example of how kissing can be political.

We, along with the thirty participants, kissed for two hours straight without stopping. When the two hours was up, everyone excitedly shared about their experience. Participants were amazed at how much they enjoyed the extreme kissing, and how euphoric they got. We discovered, that two single people we had paired up who had a great time kissing for the two full hours, that one was from Israel and one was from Lebanon. Another example of how kissing can be political.

Posted in yellow year.