End of Year Summary

A 10-minute stream-of-consciousness writing by Elizabeth Stephens
This year brought much happiness, the wedding, the art, the friends in New York. Everyone going out of their way to be gracious and supportive and fun.
This year brought sadness too. Annie’s diagnosis of breast cancer. Tears, tears, tears. Driving up highway one crying so much and telling myself that I had to be strong. Then crying more. The chemo sessions, the making art out of cancer, the making of more cancer art. The performance piece in Scotland. So satisfying and fun. And we’ve made a really great piece. Now just more venues. More venues are coming.
A new friendship with Neon. Then poor Neon’s mother died. So suddenly. Becka is sick. Diane Bonder is Dying. Kitty had melanoma. We’re all dying come to think of it. Linda Montano out to visit. the Sea and Sand. Her performance(s) Loved it. Loved them. Much good-time spent with my sister Anne on her visit out to San Francisco. Very much enjoyed every minute of the two and a half week visit. It went by so quickly.
And even though I sometimes complain about walking the dogs, getting the dog (s) to walk was a wonderful thing to do. Bob keeps us going outside, into the sun and air and the beautiful California Landscape. As the year ends I am so grateful for my love Annie, my family, my dog and my own health right now. And of course there is always the work. As I look forward to the coming year, I think of the things I didn’t quite get right this year. I want to make more art, show it sell it. I want to spend more time with the people I love. I hope to loose some more weight and get really fit. I hope to work on my spiritual self and my emotional self.
So as this year ends I feel happy and satisfied in this moment. The candles are burning and we’re warm and well fed. We have each other and enough to pay our bills, Who needs more?
For the red year, I survived and am secure enough to move ahead into the orange year.

A 10-minute stream-of-consciousness writing by Annie Sprinkle
Beth has been great security when I needed to survive. We’re committed so she can’t escape! Breast cancer ballet adventure --8 months of busy-ness. Beth’s love lubricates me through it. My boob hurts tonight, with radiation burns. But love burns bright, with aloe vera kisses. Glad we’re going on to sex and creativity year. Can’t wait to get married again. Survival is key to life! The Love Art Lab project makes any suffering worthwhile and productive. Recycle suffering/pain/burns/chemo/illness. It’s healthy to be happy while suffering and surviving. It was a serious year, not my usual playful year. We made the best of it. Right boob is centerpiece. Energy is the key to all. Lack of energy is the lock. Death knocked, and we rocked.
Red year had many dogs. The New Year is most welcome. Red is dead. Red was fire. Red was red scars, red blood cells, red carpets rolled up. Who am I now? Next! Gray hair showing. First shampoo in six months. Our relationship survived, our collaboration flourished. I’m grateful for this 7-year piece, so life is art and love is art and art is healing and fruitful. Doing our two-woman show was highlight of the year. Doing performance art theater, circling love with Beth and audience, all trying to survive together. Thrive together.
Love is great security, along with health insurance. Breast cancer ballet; hang up those toe shoes from my girlhood. Be cool. Survive. Money. Where is money? Whores have money. Surviving show business. Go forward, don’t look back. Security blanket, cuddles, Bob, friends, family, home, Om, yoga, acupuncture, health on tight rope walk. New worlds open. Red is over. We did it. We survived red, we survived cancer, we survived chemo, we survived my low libido, we survived my lower (free lance artist) income. We survived it all, and phoenix will rise from my breast with skin breaking down. Tomorrow we dance.
So as this year ends I feel happy and satisfied in this moment. The candles are burning and we’re warm and well fed. We have each other and enough to pay our bills, Who needs more?
For the red year, I survived and am secure enough to move ahead into the orange year.