Artists’ Statement

Artists' Statement

WE, ARTIST-BRIDES, ELIZABETH STEPHENS & ANNIE SPRINKLE, WILL CELEBRATE TWO PURPLE WEDDINGS THIS FALL 2010. First, Purple Wedding to the Moon will be held in an outdoor amphitheater at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains in Altadena, CA (LA) under the full moon. Then, Purple Wedding to the Appalachian Mountains will be produced with the University of Ohio and will take place in the Gal-breath Chapel in Athens (Ohio), at the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. We invite everyone to join us in taking vows to love, honor and cherish the Moon and the Mountains. Or to simply come bear witness.

ON THESE AUSPICIOUS OCCASIONS WE WILL EXPLORE AND ENGAGE THE THEMES OF INTUITION (3rd eye, 6th chakra), water, moon, mountains, ecosexuality and our love of nature. We invite everyone to share our practice of loving the Moon and the Mountains romantically in order to create more intimate relationships with them. We aim to activate a network of global citizens, artists, activists, sexologists, spiritual practitioners, academics, local folk, family and others. We ask for no material gifts but invite people to collaborate on the creation of these weddings. We are thrilled to have the venerable Reverend Billy, his wife/director Savitri D, and the Church of Life After Shopping Choir officiating the Moon Wedding. Mountain Wedding will feature a homily by Larry Gibson, the heroic keeper of the mountains.

IN OCTOBER 2009, NASA BOMBED THE MOON WITH EXPLOSIVES TO PROSPECT FOR WATER. We thought of the over 1500 miles of Appalachian creeks and streams that have been forever destroyed by mountain top removal coal mining corporations which use 3 million pounds of explosives per day and poison the water with toxic waste. Domestic terrorism now seems to have become intergalactic terrorism. We will stand up to protect and enjoy what still remains of our planet's mountains and waters while working towards the creation of effective structures for a healthier environment. We will deploy ecosensual practices, artistic activism and love to help heal the damage that has been done. We intend to make the environmental movement a little more sexy and attractive in order to enlist even more citizens to join us in our ecosexual revolution. Our Purple Weddings aim to create a powerful love beam that will help illuminate the dire straits of the Moon and the Appalachian Mountains while drawing the connections between them. Life cannot exist without clean water and it is quickly running out. Let us gather together to explore ideas and enact changes that will enable future generations of humans, animals, and plants to co-exist and enjoy the sensual pleasures and abundance of our magnificent lover Earth.

EVERYONE IS INVITED TO JOIN US FOR A HONEYMOON ECOSEX SYMPOSIUM the day after the Wedding to the Moon at Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica, CA. Together we will explore and learn more about sexecology. At University of Ohio we will have an art exhibit at the Trisolini Gallery, do a Sexecological Walking Tour and have an installation of wedding ephemera at Kennedy Art Museum.

JOIN US IN HOLY AND IRREVERENT MATRIMONY AT OUR CELEBRATION of love for the Moon, the Mountains, and each other. Please wear purple and keep your third eye open.

Blue Year Gallery Installation

Blue Year Gallery Installation

We installed our green and blue year projects together, in an exhibit at Femina Potens Gallery in San Francisco. We called the show SEXECOLOGY: Making Love with the Earth, Sky and Sea. Exhibited were collages, drawings, photographs, texts, our wedding costumes and ephemera. The opening reception was packed when we performed some of our research about Sexecology and ecosexuality.

It takes a village to install an art exhibit, and we couldn’t have done it without the wonderful Femina Potens volunteers, and our generous and talented friends Lady Monster, Tessa Willis, Ruby Pearl (who designed the glass case display and made the green wedding rings), Adam Harms, Hallie McConlogue, and others. Katharine Gates designed some.

This exhibit was supported in part by grants from the San Francisco Arts Commission’s Cultural Equity Grants Program, UCSC Arts Research Institute, and generous support from the Queer Cultural Center. We especially want to thank Madison Young, who is the woman behind Femina Potens, for her continued support of the Love Art Laboratory project. Click Here for the Exhibition Credits

End of Year Summary

End of Year Summary

Annie: I’m speechless. Don’t know what to say that can express the Blue Year of the throat. My throat is open and deep but there are no words.

Beth: Communications are down. What can I say? No words are sufficient to describe it. There is so much to tell that I am speechless too.

Bumper Sticker

Bumper Sticker

Our hot ecosexual bumper stickers are available for sale. They are $25 for a dozen, plus shipping. This piece was designed with Katharine Gates. It is now gracing the bumpers of cars and bikes throughout Europe and the US. Get yours now while they are still available.

Sexecological Walking Tour Of The Castro

Sexecological Walking Tour Of The Castro

On a warm, sunny January day, we guided 27 people on a SEXECOLOGICAL WALKING TOUR of San Francisco’s famous Castro neighborhood. We began at our art exhibit at Femina Potens Gallery on Market Street (FP produced the tour). We slowly wound our way around several blocks to Dubose Park. En route we shared our past eco-erotic experiences/stories with each other, everyone found their e-spots, sniffed, tasted, and licked nature’s delicious trees, rocks, plants and sensuous abundance. We stopped into a wood furniture shop for a sniff and a poem about the erotic love of nature. There was a cactus vagina dentate, a mistletoe moment, and a tree with a marble clitoris. The tour climaxed on top of a breast like grassy knoll when we all formed a circle and facilitated people’s sacred vows to be lovers with the Earth. A good ecosexually satisfying time was had by all. Photos by Malia Schlaefer and the Love Art Lab.

Visionary Wedding

Visionary Wedding

We married the Earth under a Full Moon at the Women's Visionary Congress on October 3, 2009.  It was an enchanting ceremony at the Black Oak Ranch.  Everyone was extraordinarily generous and we hope that we made the Earth Happy that night.
To learn more about the Woman's Visionary Congress click on their website.

Blue Baptism For Artists

Blue Baptism For Artists

Sexecological Walking Tour – Boston

Sexecological Walking Tour - Boston

Boston Public Garden, November 15, 2009

We spent a rainy November day in the heart of the Boston Gardens, exploring the Earth's sensual delights. On this tour we encountered roses blooming, sexy burls, carpets of yellow leaves, old friends and new. We also heard the enchanting story of the lesbian swans who used to swim in the garden lake. A lovely erotic day.

Dirty Sexecology Madrid – 25 Ways To Make Love To The Earth

Dirty Sexecology Madrid - 25 Ways To Make Love To The Earth

25 Ways to Make Love to the Earth

1. Tell the Earth, “I love you. I can’t live without you.”
2. At first you may feel embarrassed to be lovers with the Earth. Let it go. It’s OK.
3. Spend time with her.
4. Ask her what she likes, wants, and needs-- then try to give it to her.
5. Massage the Earth with your feet.
6. Admire her views often.
7. Circulate erotic energy with her.
8. Smell her.
9. Taste her.
10. Touch her all over.
11. Hug and stroke her trees.
12. Talk dirty to her plants.
13. Swim naked in her waters.
14. Lay on top of her, or let her get on top of you.
15. Do a nude dance for her.
16. Sing to her.
17. Kiss and lick her.
18. Bury parts of your body deep inside her soil.
19. Plant your seeds in her.
20. Love her unconditionally even when she’s angry or cruel.
21. Keep her clean. Please recycle.
22. Work for peace. Bombs hurt.
23. If you see her being abused, raped, exploited, protect her as best you can.
24. Protect her mountains. Stop mountaintop removal mining.
25. Vow to love, honor and cherish the Earth until death brings you closer together forever.

Dirty Sexecology Boston – 25 Ways To Make Love To The Earth

Dirty Sexecology Boston - 25 Ways To Make Love To The Earth

25 Ways to Make Love to the Earth

1. Tell the Earth, “I love you. I can’t live without you.”
2. At first you may feel embarrassed to be lovers with the Earth. Let it go. It’s OK.
3. Spend time with her.
4. Ask her what she likes, wants, and needs-- then try to give it to her.
5. Massage the Earth with your feet.
6. Admire her views often.
7. Circulate erotic energy with her.
8. Smell her.
9. Taste her.
10. Touch her all over.
11. Hug and stroke her trees.
12. Talk dirty to her plants.
13. Swim naked in her waters.
14. Lay on top of her, or let her get on top of you.
15. Do a nude dance for her.
16. Sing to her.
17. Kiss and lick her.
18. Bury parts of your body deep inside her soil.
19. Plant your seeds in her.
20. Love her unconditionally even when she’s angry or cruel.
21. Keep her clean. Please recycle.
22. Work for peace. Bombs hurt.
23. If you see her being abused, raped, exploited, protect her as best you can.
24. Protect her mountains. Stop mountaintop removal mining.
25. Vow to love, honor and cherish the Earth until death brings you closer together forever.