Author Archives: E.A.R.T.H. Lab
Purple Wedding to the Mountains Video and Photos
Purple Wedding to the Mountain Video and Photos
Our Purple Wedding in Athens, Ohio took place at the Galbreath Chapel on November 6, 2010. Our Eco-Chaplain Sarah Vekesi Phillips, Mountain keeper Larry Gibson and our darling husband Joseph Kramer made this a very special and joyful occasion and we are very grateful to them for officiating and celebrating this event. We are equally as grateful to everyone who performed for the mountains as well as everyone who helped us out financially and in a million other ways. And thank you Collaborators. We could not have done this without each and every one of you. Below are photos by Elizabeth Dobson.
Articles about the Wedding to the Mountains:
West Virginia Ville
West Virginia Ville (Part 2)
Purple Wedding to the Mountains Vows
Purple Wedding to the Mountains Vows
Justin Credible (Emcee): Before we begin the vows, does anyone here object to this union between Beth, Annie and the Appalachian Mountains?
Damon Cater tells why he objects to the marriage. And others can object.
Justin Credible: OK, we will proceed. We now bring forth Joseph Kramer. (A ceramic bowl made by an Ohio University student, an apple and two ceramic cups of water are brought forward on a table and placed in front of the brides.)
Joe: (Joe facilitates some breathing all together with everyone.) Let us remember the people that first breathed this Appalachian air and first lived here. Lets remember the thousands of generations that lived here before us. I have a tee shirt at home that says ‘I am not a lesbian, but my two wives are.’ Brides, please come forward. Welcome. What brings you to this gathering today?
Beth and Annie: We are here because we love the Appalachian Mountains.
Joe: Everyone, why are you here?
All: We are here because we love the Appalachian Mountains.
Joe: Tell us what you love about the Appalachian Mountains.
Beth: One of the things I love is that I was born in these mountains.
Annie: One of the things I love is the wonderful people and wonderful animals that live here.
Beth: One of the things I love about the Appalachian Mountains is her creeks and streams. (Brides drink some Appalachian water.)
Annie: One of the things I love about the Appalachian Mountains is that they make me feel beautiful, and spiritual.
Beth: One of the things I love about the Appalachian Mountains is her curves when she’s naked.
Annie: One of the things I love about the Appalachian Mountains is they offer me so many ecosexual delights.
Beth: One of the things I love about the Appalachian Mountains is the foods they produce for us to eat and heal.(Brides bite the mountain apple.)
Annie: One of the things I love about the Appalachian Mountains is that Beth’s family lives here. (Motions for family to please stand.)
Joe: Are you ready to make your vows?
Beth and Annie: YES! We are.
Joe: Do you promise to educate yourselves and others about environmental issues?
Beth and Annie: We do.
Joe: Do you promise to devote yourselves to making art about the Appalachian Mountains?
Beth and Annie: We do.
Joe: Do you promise to help nurture more love for the Earth and entice others to join the environmental movement by making it a little more sexy, fun, multicultural and diverse?
Beth and Annie: We do.
Joe: Do you promise to speak out, act up, and raise hell about mountain top removal?
Beth and Annie: We do!
Joe: Do you promise to support each other on this path with patience and kindness through thick and thin, in good times and bad?
Beth and Annie: We do!
Joe: (to audience) We invite you to take vows with us. If you hear a vow you feel you are ready to take say “I do.”
Do you promise to help defend, maintain and conserve mountain water and mountain air?
All: We do.
Joe: Do you promise to lower your electricity consumption in order to use less coal and help save the Appalachian Mountains?
All: We do.
Joe: Do you vow to love, honor and cherish the Appalachian Mountains until death brings you closer together forever?
All: We do!
Joe: To remind you of these vows each day, you will have rings. May we have the rings please? (Chris brings rings and does his thing and offers the rings.)
Joe: We have rings for all of you, too. The ushers will pass out the rings. Take one if you like, as you process out to the reception.
Joe: I now pronounce you married to the Appalachian mountains!!! You may now kiss the mountains. You may now kiss and hug the brides and the grooms!
Purple Wedding to the Mountains Program
Purple Wedding to the Mountains Program
Artists’ Statement
Artists' Statement
WE, ARTIST-BRIDES, ELIZABETH STEPHENS & ANNIE SPRINKLE, WILL CELEBRATE TWO PURPLE WEDDINGS THIS FALL 2010. First, Purple Wedding to the Moon will be held in an outdoor amphitheater at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains in Altadena, CA (LA) under the full moon. Then, Purple Wedding to the Appalachian Mountains will be produced with the University of Ohio and will take place in the Gal-breath Chapel in Athens (Ohio), at the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. We invite everyone to join us in taking vows to love, honor and cherish the Moon and the Mountains. Or to simply come bear witness.
ON THESE AUSPICIOUS OCCASIONS WE WILL EXPLORE AND ENGAGE THE THEMES OF INTUITION (3rd eye, 6th chakra), water, moon, mountains, ecosexuality and our love of nature. We invite everyone to share our practice of loving the Moon and the Mountains romantically in order to create more intimate relationships with them. We aim to activate a network of global citizens, artists, activists, sexologists, spiritual practitioners, academics, local folk, family and others. We ask for no material gifts but invite people to collaborate on the creation of these weddings. We are thrilled to have the venerable Reverend Billy, his wife/director Savitri D, and the Church of Life After Shopping Choir officiating the Moon Wedding. Mountain Wedding will feature a homily by Larry Gibson, the heroic keeper of the mountains.
IN OCTOBER 2009, NASA BOMBED THE MOON WITH EXPLOSIVES TO PROSPECT FOR WATER. We thought of the over 1500 miles of Appalachian creeks and streams that have been forever destroyed by mountain top removal coal mining corporations which use 3 million pounds of explosives per day and poison the water with toxic waste. Domestic terrorism now seems to have become intergalactic terrorism. We will stand up to protect and enjoy what still remains of our planet's mountains and waters while working towards the creation of effective structures for a healthier environment. We will deploy ecosensual practices, artistic activism and love to help heal the damage that has been done. We intend to make the environmental movement a little more sexy and attractive in order to enlist even more citizens to join us in our ecosexual revolution. Our Purple Weddings aim to create a powerful love beam that will help illuminate the dire straits of the Moon and the Appalachian Mountains while drawing the connections between them. Life cannot exist without clean water and it is quickly running out. Let us gather together to explore ideas and enact changes that will enable future generations of humans, animals, and plants to co-exist and enjoy the sensual pleasures and abundance of our magnificent lover Earth.
EVERYONE IS INVITED TO JOIN US FOR A HONEYMOON ECOSEX SYMPOSIUM the day after the Wedding to the Moon at Highways Performance Space in Santa Monica, CA. Together we will explore and learn more about sexecology. At University of Ohio we will have an art exhibit at the Trisolini Gallery, do a Sexecological Walking Tour and have an installation of wedding ephemera at Kennedy Art Museum.
JOIN US IN HOLY AND IRREVERENT MATRIMONY AT OUR CELEBRATION of love for the Moon, the Mountains, and each other. Please wear purple and keep your third eye open.
Purple Wedding to the Moon Video and Photos
Purple Wedding to the Moon Video and Photos
Our Purple Wedding in Altadena (LA) took place without a hitch after the initial controversy surrounding our contract with Farnsworth Park. We were heavily guarded by 6 private security personnel and several members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. One can never know what might happen during a full moon but we had never felt safer in our lives. The venerable Reverend Billy and the Church of Life After Shopping made this a very special and joyful occasion and we are very grateful to them for officiating and celebrating big love though song and performance. We are equally as grateful to everyone who performed for the moon as well as everyone who helped us out financially and in a million other ways. And even though the moon did not come out during the wedding ceremony, the moon did appear later in full voluptuous glory. We all felt the pull which we interpreted as the pull of love. Thank you Moon, thank you Reverend Billy and the Church of Life After Shopping and thank you Collaborators. We could not have done this without each and every one of you. Below are photos by Leon Mosotovoy.
Purple Wedding to the Moon Homily
Purple Wedding to the Moon Homily
Artist Reverend Billy did our homily, it was incredible. We will transcribe it from the video as soon as possible.
Purple Wedding to the Moon Vows
Purple Wedding to the Moon Vows
Part 1: Sermon
A. Billy’s Sermon w/ Choir
B. Billy calls the brides, Annie and Beth to stage.
C. Billy: Does anyone object to the marriage between Annie, Beth and the Moon?
Naomi Pitcairn objects: On the grounds that her family owns the Moon and the wedding goes against corporate values.
D. Billy defends the decision to marry the moon.
Part 2: Annie and Beth address the moon about our relationship.
Annie: Moon, thank you for being here tonight. We know you are there. I want to share my wife with you. We want to bring you into our relationship. Beth is my beloved life partner. We’ve been together nine wonderful years. She’s so much fun. She’s really into intimate relationships, and is a great collaborator. She’s so loveable. She’s an ecosexual, like me. She’s a great communicator. And she really cares about living things. People, animals... We have dog, Bob, too. She loves the earth and the environment. She cares about you.
Beth: Moon. I want to share my Annie with you. She’s no virgin, but virgins are overrated. Annie is a wonderful lover. She is experienced in marriage. She has married the earth, the sky, the sea, and me- and now she wants to marry you, dear moon. Annie is one kindest, most generous partners that the world has ever seen. You will benefit greatly from her love, and I myself have. She’s a sexecologist extraordinaire. And an ecosexual beyond belief. You’re going to love her.
Part 3: Annie and Beth tell the moon what they love about the moon.
Annie to Moon: (Annie circles Beth and says what she loves about the moon.) When I heard that NASA bombed you looking for water… I felt really sad. Some people think you’re a dead old hunk of rock, and it doesn’t matter. But I love you. You bring out the best in me. When I look at you, I feel spiritual. And calm, and good. You’re very sexy, very romantic, and you inspire me to no end. Moon, you sometimes make me a little crazy and wild, but I welcome that.
Beth to Moon: (Beth circles Annie and says what she loves about the moon.) Moon, we depend on you for our cycles. We plant our crops on your phases. The tides depend on your gravitational pull. We depend upon you to hold us in your gravitational arms. Hold us, moon. Make women have menstrual cycles so we can reproduce. Moon, guide us spiritually. You give us comfort, because you are always there. But you make us crazy. You give us permission to dream. You give us permission to sing sacred songs, to howl. We can be like a cow and jump over the moon, mooooo. Moon, you make us crazy, lunatic, you guide us in love.
Beth: Luna.
Annie: Lunatic.
Beth: Luna.
Annie: Love.
Luna, Lunatic, Luna, Love (Hand gestures)
Builds to a climax. Choir joins, performers join. Builds to a howl and climaxes. Billy stops the lunacy and brings us back to the vows.
Part 4. Billy facilitates vows.
Billy: Are you now ready to make your vows?
Beth and Annie: We are ready!
Billy: (to audience) Anyone who feels called to make these vows with Annie, Beth and the Moon, please join in.
Billy: Do you promise to be more conscious of your water consumption?
All: I do.
Billy: Do you promise to protect the waters on earth, in order to protect the moon from human exploitation?
All: I do.
Billy: Do you promise to sharpen your intuition, wisdom, and vision, to activate your extra-sensory perceptions?
All: I do.
Billy: Do you promise to love, honor and obey the moon until death brings us closer together forever?
All: I do.
Part 5: The Rings
Billy: To remind you of your vows to the Moon, you will have rings! May we have the rings please?
(Ring bearers deliver rings. Annie and Beth put on their rings.)
Billy: (to Audience) And for your rings, reach up, put your hands up to the moon, see (or feel) the rings around the moon, and draw them down around you. Every time you look at the moon you’ll remember your vows and love for the moon.
Part 6. Proclamation and Kiss
Billy: Brides, you may now kiss!
(Start with third eyes, then lip kiss.)
Billy: (To Audience, Annie + Beth) You may all now kiss the moon.
(Everyone blows kiss to the moon.)
Billy: I now pronounce you married to the moon! Earth-a-lujha! Moon-a-lujha!!!!!
All: Earth-a-lujha! Moon-a-lujha!!!!!
(Recession music. Recess out.)
Queen music.
Frank Sinatra.
Special Thanks to Director Neon Weiss to helping us create and rehearse these vows
Purple Wedding to the Moon Program
Purple Wedding to the Moon Program